PR & Citizenship

Permanent Residence & Citizenship

As global opportunities expand, Indians and other developing nations’ citizens are increasingly seeking alternative residence or citizenship options. This interest is driven by various factors, including the pursuit of a better lifestyle, economic opportunities, ease of travel, improved access to natural resources and amenities, favourable climatic conditions, and concerns about potential environmental catastrophes. Interest in these alternatives is growing among individual investors, wealthy individuals, global entrepreneurs, and young affluent individuals exploring new horizons.

At MLA, we provide our clients with information on a range of options, including citizenship in Cyprus, Malta and St. Kitts & Nevis, residency rights in Spain, Portugal, Greece and green cards for the U.S. When appropriate, we recommend that investors consult independent financial advisors to receive expert guidance from licensed professionals.

Our dedicated team of immigration professionals attentively listens to each client's specific preferences and requirements, recommending the most suitable options in collaboration with qualified professionals in each jurisdiction. Our robust connections and partnerships with world-class network affiliates globally enable us to help our clients seamlessly navigate the complexities and nuances of alternative citizenship and residency programs.

Our Service include:

Top countries where our clients opt our services for:

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